Vitamin D and Eye Health

August 26, 2021 - Eye Conditions


natural sunlight, d3, retinal, vitamin, important, malibu, today, tuning, balance, latest, California, deficient, canyon, improve, sam, vitamin d3, vitamin d levels

We are in Decker Canyon in Malibu, California. Hey folks, this is Dr. Sam and I want to talk to you today about vitamin D3. Some of the latest research is predicting that over 1 billion people may be deficient in vitamin d3. And in terms of our eyes, what I have found is that most people think that beta carotene is really important for retinal health.

But I actually think vitamin D3 is even more important. One of the best sources is natural sunlight. And I recommend getting about 30 minutes a day of natural sunlight to balance out and improve your vitamin D levels. So that’s my message for today.

Thank you so much for tuning in, and until next time, take good care.