The Healing Hue of Red Light Therapy

June 29, 2021 - EyeClarity Blog

Where is the safest new red light district in town? Your eyes!
Red light therapy (RLT) is not only extremely effective at treating aging eyes, but it is painless, noninvasive, safe, natural, simple and recommended by countless experts. This is the healthy alternative to drugs, treatments and even surgery.
The concept of looking directly into this healing light may sound counter-intuitive, since conventional wisdom says never look directly at the sun, or to get too much blue light exposure as found in cell phones, TVs, and computers. But RLT has been used over many decades for healing purposes, from depression to cancer to beauty treatments.
In 1903, the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to Niels Finsen, a Danish physician and scientist who discovered light therapy’s positive impacts on arthritis, joint pain and soft tissue injuries. Fast forward to 2018, when the National Association of Sports Medicine endorsed red light therapy for strains, pains and injuries. In the interim, thousands of peer-reviewed clinical studies have been conducted on the many positive impacts of RLT; now that’s what you call visible results.
Of all the organs in your body, the retina ages fastest. So the race is on to save those peepers. But jeepers – help is on the way.
Recently, the overwhelming positive results of red light and near-infrared therapy for eye health and healing have been heavily documented in numerous peer-reviewed studies and clinical trials. RLT treats a wide spectrum (pun intended) of conditions like cataracts, glaucoma, dry eye, floaters, and many retinal diseases including age-related macular degeneration, nearsightedness (myopia) and amblyopia (“lazy eye”). Red light therapy is also proven to heal diabetic eye disease, one of the greatest causes of blindness in developed countries. This “medicine” also results in reduced visual distortion and broken blood vessels. It even dramatically reduces the average healing time and inflammation after having foreign objects like sand, glass or wood splinters removed from the eyes. And yes, another upshot is that RLT does prevent ocular degeneration and protect your vision as well.
What you will NOT see from RLT, are negative side effects. Seeing is believing. And the research proving it could fill a library.
How does this “miracle” eye treatment work such wonders? Simply put, red light therapy helps the cells in your eyes generate more energy and work more effectively. It basically halts the enzyme having to do with the release of free fatty acids into the bloodstream — that cause toxins which, in turn, lead to the stressors causing many eye conditions. Like a magician deftly managing two things as one, this special red light works on both the cones and rods in your eyes. RLT basically jumpstarts your mitochondria (a.k.a. “the powerhouse of the cells.”)
Despite the overwhelming evidence proving that red light therapy is safe, it is recommended to receive treatments by your eye doctor, and not by applying this at home. After all, eyes are the most light-sensitive tissues in the human body, thus deserving of routine professional care. He or she will apply red light (at a level of 630-660nm) as the most therapeutic wavelength. No need to roll your eyes at the odd-looking numbers, these just describe this specific shade of red, as it appears on the color spectrum. Several excellent photos, charts and fact-based writing on the subject of RLT– especially how it relates to folks with macular degeneration – can be found in this article. Curious? It is advisable to take a peek. The more that you educate yourself on the subject, the more readily you will embrace it.
One fact worth a closer look is that while red light is safe and a proven healer, this does NOT mean looking at just any laser light, including red lasers. Enough said.
Gertrude Stein coined the famous quote, “A rose is a rose is a rose.” But that’s not so true for aging patients with failing vision and color facility. RLT treatments are proven to dramatically increase the ability to see and distinguish colors, even with age. Imagine the unique tint of sea foam green at the crest of a wave. Or the momentary peach and plumb streaks across a sunset sky. How many wishes and dreams were born just by staring into the yellows and blues within dancing flames? It is natural to take some of life’s greatest gifts for granted. So remember to stop and smell the roses!
This red light treatment is perfect for the expert or the rookie within the wondrous world of natural health. Savvy patients know that less is more when it comes to chemicals and unnatural elements, whenever possible. If you seek dramatic, vivid improvements in visual acuity (sharpness) – along with all the other benefits named in this article – you don’t have to know how to pronounce “photobiomodulation.” Simply ask your eye doc about RLT. With this healthful, natural healing power, you can look toward a clearer, brighter and more vibrant future.