July 30, 2021 - Eye Conditions
exercise, eye, lens, glasses, blur, minutes, reading glasses, part, wean, prescription, pinhole, farsightedness, flexibility, magnification, wearing, call, muscular, confrontational, muscles, reverse
Hey folks, it’s Dr. Sam and this is part two on how to reverse farsightedness the need for reading glasses at the age 40. Marker. Well, now we’re moving into the reeducation part of the video series. And this has to do with the physical therapy exercises that give you back more of your visual muscular flexibility. And it starts to wean you off the need for magnification lenses. So the first technique is to go to your health food store. And they should sell what we call pinhole glasses. You know, these are the glasses with no prescription in it, except there are a lot of black tiny holes. Well, what’s great about those is when you put them on, you can actually read the print, but you don’t have the side effects of what the magnification lenses do which disconnect you from your eye muscles. In fact, they do the opposite. When you wear pinhole glasses, they make you focus your eyes in a more concentrated way. So what I like to do with this exercise is I put them on, I read them fried for about a minute with the panels on, then I take them off, I do it again, maybe for two minutes, take it off. And then I put on the panel glasses now I’m reading for three minutes.
And I’m really noticing mindfully internally. What is this doing to my eyes, what is doing to my brain that allows me to see the detail again, maybe I have to move my eyes around more, maybe I have to breathe more, maybe I have to relax my body, I don’t know. But it’s going to create some turn-on in your awareness about having to focus better. Okay, now my eye exercises, the one that I recommend the most is the one that’s most confrontational, and that are the minus lens, the blur. So if you think about this for a minute, you get the magnifying glasses, you start wearing them, they’re familiar to you, they weaken your eyes. But when you start wearing the opposite lens prescription, you’re going to be confronted with a lot of blur. And it’s mapped out in the exercise the video in terms of how you do it, you use the patch, you spend so many minutes with each eye. And you’re going to find that when you do the opposite lens prescription. It kind of gives you back your muscular resiliency, especially if you start doing it every day.
And so the minus lens to blur is one of the exercises. The other two that I suggest would be the animal eye chart. That’s the eye stretching. So you’re stretching the eye muscles getting more flexibility. And then the third exercise is called the yin yang exercise. That’s a bind nodular soft-focus exercise. And you got to spend 10 to 15 minutes every day doing these exercises I would say for a month, and then you’re going to start to wean yourself off the powerful plus lenses, and maybe if you’re in good light, you don’t even need the reading glasses.
Okay, in part three, I’m going to talk a little bit about diet and nutrition.