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Reduce your RX, Improve Eyesight?

April 12, 2019 - Farsightedness (Presbyopia)

Hey folks, it’s Dr. Sam. I’m on my morning walk, and I wanted to talk to you today about lifestyle and vision wellness.

I saw a naturopath physician the other day who’s very nearsighted. Her complaint is that when she’s running she can’t see the time on her watch. So during the exam, I reduced her contact lens prescription. She now sees 20/40 out of the lenses.

She reported that her eyes feel much more relaxed without prescription. She’s gonna be using it for all her office work and seeing patients. She can use it when she goes running, and she’ll be able to see the time on her watch.

Now after her day is over and she gets in her car, I made her up a pair of glasses that strengthens the contact lenses to 20/20. It’s a combination of glasses, and contact lenses. She can use that for driving, and when she gets home she can take the glasses off in the evening.

I made her up another pair of glasses that are blue blocking lenses. This prescription actually reduces the contact lens prescription even more so it’s going to relax her eyes and protect her against the damaging blue light.

The moral of the story is that if you can use a combination of both glasses and/or contact lenses in the proper way you can reduce the deterioration of your eyes, you can relax your eyes better, and you can improve your vision.

That’s my message for today. Thank you so much for tuning in, take care.