August 24, 2021 - Cataracts
confusion, brain, eyes, depth perception, lens, vision, correct, decide, optical, surgeon, more complicated, designs, distance, mechanism
Decided you’re going to get cataract surgery, you have to decide on the type of lens you’re going to use. You know, and I’ve talked about this before that when you get into more complicated designs, this actually can create more confusion for the brain.
Now the surgeon doesn’t really think about this, because he’s looking at your eyes as an optical mechanism, but we have to take into account the brain as well as the eyes. This is why I recommend going with a single vision lens, correcting both eyes for distance. When you do that, you support your eyes and brain to be able to maintain the depth perception so important.
So if you correct one eye for distance in one eye for near you’re splitting your brain. And this could actually create double vision and much more confusion and visual stress.