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Natural ways to prevent presbyopia

December 18, 2017 - Farsightedness (Presbyopia)

I wanted to talk today about presbyopia. This is the condition where at age 40, you can no longer read with magnifying glasses.

The common eye, in most eye doctors’ offices, is that the eyes only get worse as you age and reading glasses are inevitable. Over the years, I’ve helped many people reverse their need for reading glasses and reverse presbyopia.

The key is, whenever you start using magnification, it actually relaxes your focusing muscles to where they start to atrophy. So there are different exercises and techniques that you can use to increase the flexibility in those eye muscles so that you don’t need the magnifiers.

I recommend things like wearing pinhole glasses or doing eye exercises that strengthen and improve our visual flexibility. Using these techniques, you can begin to wean yourself off of magnifying glasses.