Macula Health!

August 16, 2021 - Eye Conditions


number, macular, acid xanthine, health, today, macular degeneration, zeaxanthin, nicknames, lymphatic, microalgae, rebounder, day, regeneration, pigmented, talk, carotenoids, craniosacral therapy, filters, pink, condition


Hey folks, it’s Dr. Sam and I want to talk to you today about macular degeneration. One of the nicknames I give this condition is actually called macular degeneration. And here are three tips to help you improve macular health. Number one, make sure you’re getting more carotenoids in your diet. You know that’s the orange and yellow-pigmented vegetables. This is the lutein and zeaxanthin and then the pink seafood. This is acid xanthine and you can also get acid xanthine through microalgae.

Number two, make sure you boost your lymphatic health. This could be doing things like craniosacral therapy, go walking every day or even jump on a rebounder. Number three, make sure you’re wearing your blue-blocking filters for all digital health.

So that’s my message for today. I want to thank you so much for tuning in. Take care