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Lasik Monovision

September 9, 2019 - Lasik Surgery

Dr. Berne: Is for you, Julie, is to maybe if you wear a minus five – if that’s what you wear –

Julie: Well actually I had Lasik in this one.

Dr. Berne: OK.

Julie: A long long time ago. So I don’t wear anything on that eye, but I did reduce mine in my right eye where I had the scleral buckle. The buckle pushed me up to minus seven, so I’m wearing minus six on there now.

Dr. Berne: All right. So let’s bring in the laser surgery for the refraction. So we want to blame faulty vision on the eyeball. But it’s not the eyeballs fault. It’s the probing programming that our brain tells our eyes. So I can speak from experience because when I became myopic, I tightened up and pulled in became very defensive and hyper vigilant. My brain mind told my eyes, “God, I am scared. I don’t know – you know – I’m seven years old, what’s going on.” And so my eye doctor fixes that in the lens. So we want to blame the vision problem on the eyeball: the retina, the cornea. But it’s the programming behind our eyes that causes the eye to change. Okay. Now 10 percent of seeing is in the eyeball and 90 percent of seeing is in the brain. When you have refractive surgery, guess what happens? The brain is still minus six or minus seven.

Julie: If I had known then-

Dr. Berne: If you had known. Now another thing that’s going on is the difference between your eyes. Is called monovision, and what this does is this splits you. Part of me is here and part of me is here. So in that split, what happens is, you have to suppress part of yourself or otherwise you’re going to be in double vision. You’re going to be two people. And so you’ve got a lot of overlays, and I’ve got to tell you that the pre prescription that your mental setup patterning has set up is going to cause the eye to have some level of stress in it. Now again, physical therapy can change that but you really have to boost your awareness on how the mind brain is talking through the eyes. So part of our work tonight is going to be can I develop a different relationship with our eyes.