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Study Shows Diabetes Patients 6X More Likely to Develop Cataracts

February 15, 2018 - Cataracts

I want to report on a new study linking diabetes to cataracts.

This was a long-term study done over 15 years with about 56,000 patients. They found that patients who were diagnosed with diabetes had two times the risk of developing cataracts. Age also played a factor – between the age of 45-54, patients diagnosed with diabetes had four times the risk of developing cataracts. Between the ages of 50-54, you have almost a 6 times higher risk of developing cataracts.

So if you’re diabetic, what can you do to prevent developing cataracts?

  1. Go gluten-free
  2. Go dairy-free
  3. Eat no-sugar or low-glycemic index foods.
  4. Add healthy fats – omega-3 fish oils, MCT oil, coconut oil, and nuts and seeds.
  5. Boost antioxidant levels in the body – a plant-based diet with plenty of glutathione, vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, taurine, bilberry, and quercetin all play an important role in preventing cataracts.

So in terms of preventing cataracts if you’re diabetic, you want to increase cellular metabolism in the lens by getting a lot of high-potency antioxidants, which will eliminate free radicals that accumulate in the lens and cause cataracts.