AMD Lifestyle and Diet

August 14, 2021 - Eye Conditions


macular degeneration, developing, ate, diet, sam, lifestyle, predisposed, degeneration, NIH, antioxidants, fruits, proactive, healthy lifestyle, study, rainbow

Hey folks, it’s Dr. Sam. And I want to pose a question to you today. Do you think that lifestyle and diet have an effect on developing age-related macular degeneration? NIH did a study and they found that women who were predisposed to developing macular degeneration had a higher risk of developing it if they had a stressful lifestyle, or they ate poorly. So my takeaway is that if anybody in your family has been diagnosed with macular degeneration, it’s really important that you eat the rainbow diet, a lot of antioxidants, fruits, and vegetables, and you have a healthy lifestyle.

These are things that you can do to be proactive to prevent macular degeneration.